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Planning your Dream Bedroom

The bedroom is the one room in the house that we spend the most time in. The space is multi-functional as we need to relax in it before we go to sleep as well as have enough space to comfortably store all our clothes for the morning rush the next day.

If you are planning on creating a new bedroom space there are some important things that you need to consider.

Firstly you need to work out exactly how much space you need as well as what you want the space to do for you. Wardrobes can be made to fit any space so the place to start is the bed. Once you have worked out how much space your bed takes up as well as any other pre-existing furniture that you want to keep we can work out how much room you have for storage.

Our wardrobes can come in such a wide range of colours that it is best to have a colour and style theme already in your mind so that we can create the best look and space for you. We can also create free standing furniture to match.

Once you have picked your theme and planned your storage space then you can plan all the trimmings. Throws, light fittings and soft furnishings then make the perfect space that is both functional and relaxing!

Contact us today to see how we can help.

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